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MARON-ELECTRONICS offers services for eMobility EV chargers networks :

AC EV chargers

AC recharging points should be compatible with those defined in the ELOT EN 61851-1 standard, for Mode 3 charging stations. The permitted AC power capacity per vehicle for domestic EV recharging points is:

a. Power from 3.5 kW to 7.4 kW. Input voltage level: 230±10%V (1Φ)
b. Power from 7.4 kW to 22 kW. Input voltage level: 400±10%V (3Φ)

The permitted AC power capacity per vehicle for EV recharging points for use in company parking spaces with private access is:

a. Power from 3.5 kW to 7.4 kW. Input voltage level: 230±10%V (1Φ)
b. Power from 7.4 kW to 22 kW. Input voltage level: 400±10%V (3Φ)
c. Power from 23 kW to 44 kW. Input voltage level: 400±10%V (3Φ)

The used power adapters should meet the technical and functional characteristics of the ELOT EN 62196-2 (TYPE-2) standard.

Note1: In case of installation of recharging points with more than one outlet (sockets), then the power of the point is defined as the sum of the power injected into the EVs, when the sockets operate simultaneously at their maximum power capacity.

Note2: a Recharging station can have many recharging points, each of which accommodates one charger with all needed accessory equipment for networking, load balance and other functionalities .

DC EV chargers

The DC recharging points should be compatible with those defined in the ELOT standard EN 61851-23, for Mode 4 charging stations.
a) The permitted DC power capacity for domestic recharging points is: Power from 3.5 kW to 22 kW.
b) The permissible DC power capacity for the recharging points for use in locations business parking with private access is: Power from 3.5 kW to 50 kW.
The used power adapters must comply technically and functionally characteristics of the ELOT EN 62196-3 standard (TYPE 3)

Local Management Software

Local operation of a smart charger is done by a smartphone IT application of the manufacturer of the charger / recharge point. This application is available at no cost.
Charger - mobile phone communication is implemented either via Bluetooth or via Wifi network of the home or business.

Local operation allows
Α) configuration for the operation of the charger
Β) programming at the time of a charge
Γ) Instant start or stop of charging
D) monitoring of charging.

Remote Management Software and Billing

The EV recharge point must cumulatively meet the following criteria:
a) To have the ability to accept, receive and process external data as well as remote control based on the OCPP v1.6 protocol or its later version, in order to:
i. Manage active power**.
ii. Power adjustment after receiving an external command (eg setpoint definition).
iii.Measurement of energy consumption data and data transfer to the cloud
b) To have the necessary security protocols in place for the purpose of its security against cyber-attacks.

**Note: Active power management is defined as the control of the power transported by the EV recharging infrastructures with continuous or stepped adjustment (increase or decrease), which can also be achieved by connecting/disconnecting individual infrastructures.